letstalk@imhr.co.uk | 0845 680 2845

letstalk@imhr.co.uk | 0845 680 2845

Neil Jones
With over 15 years Digital & HR experience, Neil is an expert translator speaking both 'client' and 'technology' fluently.
As a founder of the business, he's passionate about the quality of solution and makes sure the challenges our clients are facing are understood thoroughly. He's also the one we let out most, so chances are you'll get to meet him as soon as you decide to work with us and he'll stay with you over the long-term as our relationship grows – his phone is never off, apart from when these two require taking ice skating :)
Peter Williams
Pete is our lead technologist, resident genius, kayak and karate aficionado, and much more besides.
He is an expert in a variety of leading edge development technologies, including mobile and the very latest in web (he's been programming since the day his eyes opened), and as a classically trained fine artist Pete's eye for design is unrivalled. He constantly pushes us to produce the very best when delivering for our clients, always pulling out all the stops to absolutely ensure our solutions look and do exactly as required.
Ben Lee
Ben is responsible for our brand and ensures we represent ourselves in a way that our clients understand and believe in.
He is passionate about technology and dedicates a proportion of his time to exploring the new approaches we're capable of taking, constantly evaluating the art-of-the-possible against the art-of-the-practical. This means we never become technology-focused to the detriment of solutions that actually work.
Ben also supports activities across live Client and Product Development, so you're likely to get an email or call from him too.
Andy Lee
Andy has nearly 25 years of Corporate HR experience under his belt and 10 years running his own HR Consultancy, so can look at HR challenges from multiple perspectives.
He is also responsible for many of our back office functions, as well as ensuring we maintain our ISO and Cyber Essentials accreditations. He also, along with his better half Anne, makes sure that ‘the numbers all add up’.
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